Streamlining Email Management in Git Using IncludeIf

I work simultaneously on different companies’ projects, open-source projects, and personal projects. I should therefore use the same username but distinct email addresses for each of them. Although we can set a git config <> for each project repository, this might be a tedious manual task and perhaps unsuitable. The Git config manual describes the use of configuration files to better manage such a task through “Conditional includes”. Situation All my projects, both work and non-work, are located under the the ~/src/ directory. [Read More]

Importing Commit History from GitLab to GitHub

Situation On an interview people judge developers by their GitHub. Recently, I saw the tweet with picture showing GitHub contribution with one commit activity and the caption: “Please don’t apply for a Senior dev position if your GitHub looks like this…” Tweet Senior GitHub In this blog post, I will answer the question of how to enrich GitHub statistics to improve your job prospects. There are a lot of tools to fake GitHub history: 1, 2, 3. [Read More]

Initial Commit

Like in typical repo this blog has first git commit:

$ git commit --allow-empty --message "Initial commit"